Welcome to ChuptaMakes

Hand-crafted stuff by Chuptaburger, including digital downloads

Everything on here is hand-made by Chuptaburger (sometimes with the help of his students). Most of what you’ll see here are customized gifts or items that we don’t mass produce. If you have any questions or you see something you might like but aren’t sure how to get it, join our discord or use our contact page and Chupta will get back to you!


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from $25.00
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Clash Royale Hog Rider LED Lamp
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Custom Pokémon 4 Drawer Organizer
from $50.00
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Special Edition 4 Drawer Box - Age of Empires 2: DE
from $50.00
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Special Edition 4 Drawer Box -Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl Champs
from $50.00
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Customizable 4 Drawer Desk Box
from $40.00
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AoE2: DE Laser Engraver/Etching Img File
Sale Price:$3.99 Original Price:$5.00
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Set of 6- Slate Coasters
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All 45 AoE2 Civs World Map 1920x1080
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  • AoE2 Etch Laser Lamp

    This started as something for me to make for my desk- I asked the students for an idea, this is what they came up with! We’ve made TWO total- one is going to a certain special someone, and the other is going to be gifted to the next person to donate $100 or more to our gofundme. Hint hint…

  • Fidget Dragon Night Light

    This idea comes from an 8th grader who wanted something for their younger brother, who lives in another state. We 3D printed a dragon egg, then made a mold of that, then used the mold for an epoxy resin pour. This is not finished yet, but it looks too cool to not share!

  • Laser Photo Lamp

    A coworker of mine wanted a unique gift for a photograph of some of her family members, so she sent the photo to me and I made this :) If you want something like this, DM Chuptaburger on his discord. It’s linked in the top menu and below.

  • Chief Lamp

    Chief was my dad’s German Shephard who passed. I made this for him.