What is Chuptaworks?
Chuptaworks, created and run by Chuptaburger, is a website providing high quality merchandising, graphics, and content creation for professional e-sports athletes and entertainers, as well as custom designed and crafted gifts and furniture/decor. The entire business is run on the concept that 100% of the profits go back into our members’ pockets and to support the “education fund,” an account used exclusively for the purchase of equipment and supplies for students ages 11-14. Check out the YouTube video for a detailed explaination.
Chuptaburger, aka Mr. G, is a full-time public school teacher that runs Chuptaworks on the side as a non-profit to support the AoE2:DE community, his students, and education. As such, he does not generate any income from his time or work, nor do any of his volunteer “staff.”
Where does the money go?
Well, it’s basically like this: site members get 50% of the profits from their merch, the other half goes into funding stuff for middle school students (kids 11-14 years old). For example, if TheViper sells a t-shirt and after shipping and VAT’s are paid, the profits generated comes to $8.00, TheViper gets $4.00, the education fund gets $4.00. It’s that simple. It might seem like a small amount, but over time that adds up. Chupta has been able to save enough money (plus adding in some extra of his own, of course) to purchase tons of cool stuff, from professional markers to digital art tablets and pcs, and even software like the Adobe Creative Works Suite. Whatever the students need, Chupta purchases.
Why are you doing this?
Two reasons: AoE and education.
There are a lot of cool people in our community, whether they’re casters or players, LeL’s or pros. We figure everyone should have the opportunity to support their favorite people by buying stuff with their logo, memes and emotes on it. And who wouldn’t want a Daut castle mousepad or a Knights counter Pikes tee? We know how to set this stuff up, and we know how to make it and get it shipped to you for as low as possible, so we’re putting it to use.
We set everything up, we digitize assets, we create logos and social media posts, branding, marketing and more. We also make custom one-of-a-kind gifts and items per customer request. Most of it is Age of Empires themed, but not all.
The second reason is because public education is woefully underfunded for technology education and art, so Chupta needed a way to purchase equipment and supplies for his students to make that gap up. With the profits generated from ChuptaWorks, he has been able to purchase technology, equipment, tools, supplies, software and more for the students at his school. If you want to keep up with the stuff he buys, you can follow the socials or join the discord at the top of the page! Why not?
What is a Chuptaburger?
Me. I’m Chuptaburger, aka Mr G. I’m a teacher, a woodworker, an e-sports fan, a husband and a dad. I’ve been woodworking from the age of 4 and I haven’t stopped yet. I like to make things and I’m a nerd. I make a lot of things for people and they give me money for it. So now I have a website to keep track of everything, let people look at the stuff I make, and sell stuff.
While I do have a team of volunteers ready at a moment’s notice for help, advice and words of encouragement, I’m basically a one-man operation. That being said, I work quickly to get you what you want. And if you want something specific or you don’t see what you’re looking for, just ask! Check the contact page for the best way to discuss or join our discord!
Origin Story:
The name “Chuptaburger” comes from “Chupacabra.” I asked my daughter, who was 3 at the time, to say “chupacabra.” My name is what she said.