We make stuff for nerds.


Services we offer:

  • Need to 3D print something but lacking access to a printer? Or do you have a brilliant idea that needs a design, but you’re not familiar with 3D modeling? No worries—Chuptaburger is here to help! The cherry on top? He’s passing on his 3D modeling and printing skills to his students, who often lend a hand throughout the entire process! You can talk to Chupta and his team via the contact page , check out some stuff he and his students have already make on ChuptaMakes , or get in touch with other 3D modelers and artists on the Town Center page.

  • Trying to get your YouTube or other channels growing? Need help with video editing/ post production? Yep, we can do that. Whether you need your content edited and uploaded or thumbnails, we’ve got you covered. Check out the Town Center for our list of artists and other creators to help you with whatever you need!

  • From stream overlays to socials announcements, logos, thumbnails and more, Chuptaworks can fulfill all of your graphic design needs! Check out the Town Center for our list of artists and other creators to help you with whatever you need!

  • Whether you’re a team or an individual, we understand that branding is everything. From mugs and mousepads to clothing and bags, we can help you get your brand out there for all the world to see for as low a cost to you as possible! With our international production and shipping, there are no customers or fans we can’t help you reach! Check out the Town Center for our list of artists and other creators to help you with whatever you need or talk to Chuptaburger about merchandising and branding setup.

  • Looking for a special gift for a special person or people in your life? Look no further- ChuptaWorks can meet whatever needs you have! If you’re looking for Age of Empires II: DE themed stuff, check out the top menu of our site with the Enhanced AoE shop, all of our pro player and caster shops, and more!

    With a full woodworking shop, 3D design/printing and CAD software, there’s not much we can’t make here at Chuptaworks. Click “Chuptamakes” to see some examples of things others have requested, or talk to Chuptaburger and let him know what you’re looking for.

Scroll down to see more!

Attention: All gigaCHAD mousepads are currently backordered while we wait for our suppliers to restock. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working hard to fill orders as they come in!


Attention: All gigaCHAD mousepads are currently backordered while we wait for our suppliers to restock. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working hard to fill orders as they come in! 〰️

A message from Chuptaburger:

Hello, all! Chupta here. I wanted to let you know that CWorks is going to be undergoing some big changes in the next few weeks. All pages, links and items will still be available and purchases can still be made during this time. In short, we are simply restructuring our site to make it more navigable and adding new features/pages/services.

The time has come for ChuptaWorks to take the final steps into what it was always supposed to be before I started making AoE2 merch- a place for me to share my love of learning and making things with others. After many years of woodworking, designing and making, I’ve learned to make a lot of things- more than just mugs and mousepads. And because I’m teaching my students 3D modeling, graphic design, 3D printing, making and woodworking, there’s not much we can’t make. If you want to support me and my students in this, please consider checking out our wish list, our donation page , or our gofundme. And as always, 100% of all profits go back to the AoE2 community and to fund public education projects for middle school students ages 11-14 involving art, technology and creativity. Chuptaburger and his volunteer team do not keep anything for themselves. Click About to learn more.

Scroll down to see more!

Our newest and best selling items right now:

Want to see classroom updates, what my students are working on, and their finished projects?

Check out my Instagram to keep up-to-date on everything going on in my Technology Education classroom!


BRZ / AUSSIE Friendly

International gamers, international shipping

All “Classic” Hoodies and “Staple” Tee’s have production in Australia and Brazil, so these items ship cheap to those areas and the areas near them! As we continue to grow and expand, our shipping costs will continue to decrease!

Most customers in Europe, USA, Canada have cheap shipping options. Australia, BRZ, ARG, and a few other places are a bit more expensive to ship to.

All products ship internationally- LARGE items such as gigaCHAD mousepads and blankets/pillows cost more to ship, so purchase those separately from smaller items like tee’s and hoodies.